Way of my flow - Trips

Publish Date
Tuesday, 6 August 2024, 9:17AM

Trips is an exciting new collaboration in music born from the pure hunger and drive in music creation
from Andrew Christiansen and ear fellow Barnaby Weir.

Trips is that feeling of exhilaration when you “step outside yourself and unwind this daily mess” it’s the
sound of musical freedom on the back of a mind altering day dream, new vivid colours and open
skies as you set out into the unknown.

There’s a glaze of psychedelic calm in the eyes of the new songs that resonate on top of familiar,
classic and experimental rock and pop fusion. An irony in the delivery makes for a steady take off
and a smooth landing in ones ears. Steady and juicy drum tones lead the way for Christiansen’s
incredible acid soaked riffs and provide comfortable grooves for Weirs and other vocalists intriguing
lyrics and vocal delivery.

The rules are set aside without boundaries of a usual band existence and the fresh air is impossible
to ignore. Hats are tipped or tripped towards the roots of rock n roll with hand shakes from the 70’s
tape heavy quality in sound and hi-fives with tones from the future.

The intensive studio sessions confirmed the long term working friendship with veteran engineer and
all round G.C Lee Prebble. His attention to the tracking and mixing process played out like a sculptor
of tone. There were at times, too many laughs per hour, sending all three present into a distracted
state of awesomeness. The recordings and mixes came to life over 2021 and 2022 with Andrew and
Barnaby carefully part time crafting the riffs into order.


They've released their latest track Way of my flow have a listen!

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