Straight Outta Compton - Review
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 22 September 2015, 3:37PM

In a world where the streets rule and the thugs take the law into their own hands, spawned an unlikely group of OG’s that swarmed the late 80’s into the 90’s paving the way for the artistic license of rap. This group of course being none other than ‘NWA’. Or so we are lead to believe throughout the latest semi-biopic that is ‘Straight Outta Compton’.
‘Straight outta Compton’ is a film with a fantastic meaning that will be lost within many audiences. The film isn’t about being an extravagant gangster, instead it promotes the opposite. It is a statement against violence, against the life of the street and overall a clever device of self promotion and product placement. Dr Dre is simply a genius. We buy his albums, we buy his headphones, and now we buy into his movie. All of which are carefully crafted products, much to many’s deteste.
The film itself provides a basis of the unknown tales of the ‘NWA’ - The streets, the fame, the greed and what in many lights is never portrayed… The forgiveness. Throughout the years many had thought that the beef between Eazy-E and the rest of the crew was still established, until it was cleared up heavily in what could have resulted in another ‘NWA’ album. The film provides a powerful message of rights and regulations while also shining upon anarchy and rebellion. ‘F$@# the Police’ is a fantastic example of a statement against the man, that will get the blood flowing through any individual that has the cojones to stand up for what they believe in. The film is heavily anti law enforcement, and quite frankly for the time it was set, it had every right to be. The Rodney King trial was a huge statement within the film establishing a connection to the hatred and the utter disgust from that trial. Cops are portrayed as ‘Bullies’ which is a nice turn of page from the ever so cliche ‘Buddy cop’, ‘good-guy-bad-guy’ scenario and to be honest a much needed eye opener of what we already knew.
Overall without establishing many more spoilers, the film is a nice representation of a historic rap group. Needless to say the 2 hour long run time does tend to fall apart in places, but the film is as satisfying as a Biopic can get.
I give ‘Straight Outta Compton’ a 6/10
Reviewed by Mase Shaw - Follow Mase on Twitter @MaseShaw