Transformers: Age Of Extinction - Review
- Publish Date
- Friday, 26 September 2014, 11:44AM
Michael Bay is back and up to his usual tricks, delivering us the latest in the ‘Transformers’ franchise, and just in time, as it’s not quite blockbuster season without a lingering Bay-packed action film gracing the silver screen. But let’s take a wee trip down memory lane to how this fourth instalment has come to shape.
Cue 2011: The Transformers saga is all too familiar, with only the most hardcore of fan boys alike hanging onto the bloodied corpse of what is left within this tired piece. Bay brings in Rosie Huntington –Whitely, the male population froths at the tip and sells out the theatres, therefore problem solved, the series is revitalised, right? Wrong. The series had bled out every ounce of Shia LaBeouf’s sanity and forced him to wear paper bags over his head during recent red carpet events, something we like to call the ‘Amanda Bynes’ syndrome – but that’s a story for another day.
Cue 2012-13: ‘Formers fans were screaming for renewal and for something fresh to pop out of the woodwork. Bay, saw the inevitable end of the previous cast and looked to a seasoned veteran, with the casting of the master of the funky bunch himself, Mark Whalberg. Love him or hate him, Whalberg is a staple of continuity, always delivering a par to birdie performance, making him the safe bet to play the leading man. And with that small substance the 2014: ‘Transformers: Age of distinction’ is born.
The story follows on from the previous romps of the last few years, while also taking a turn in a self Reboot way, shunning its past mistakes with a action packed fourth instalment. Optimus returns shattered from attempting to save the human race, only to be backstabbed by the people that he fought for in this age-old tale of redemption. From the very start we are swindled into action with Bay not holding anything back with a full on warfare, that paces the film nicely, covering any ground that may had been forgotten over the last 2 years.
Although this film has a delectable cast, full of fresh and familiar faces the essence of the film almost feels to thrown together, with out-of-place jokes and overused catchphrases. However, finally we are presented with a leading man (Other than, Optimus) that is willing to put his body on the line and finally kick some alien-ass. Within an action movie you want to see the leading role, kicking ass and fighting for what he believes, not just some scampering wimp hiding behind his pet robot (Cough Shia, Cough). However, is this enough to bring the franchise back to its former glory? Only time will tell with its ever-growing box office blowouts. I leave it to you as an audience to make your own judgment call on this one. It’s a fun 3-D film, and just hit in time for Winter, so if you are looking for some robot wielding fun, go check it out..
All I can say is: welcome, Whalberg. Your presence is appreciated.
I give this film a 6.5 out of 10 and a salute to the funky bunch.
Reviewed by Mase Shaw - Follow Mase on Twitter @MaseShaw