Morrissey compares "Con-vid" society to slavery in rare interview

Publish Date
Friday, 9 July 2021, 9:56AM


Morrissey is not one to do interviews, but the former Smiths frontman recently spoke with his nephew Sam Esty Rayner for a new interview on his official website. Aside from discussing his new album Bonfire Of Teenagers, the two also slam the UK's response to the "Con-vid" pandemic, comparing it to slavery, and talk about cancel culture.

“The bigger problem is that nobody can any longer agree with anyone else, and this is the main outcome of Con-vid,” Morrissey said. “It has brought the worst out in people, and we weren’t ever in this together. We are deprived of seeing and hearing other people, and above all, you want to be with others who see and hear what you see and hear, because this is basic oxygen for the human soul. Take it away and people are dead.”

Rayner then called COVID society “the precise description of slavery,” to which Morrissey agreed.

“Precisely," he said. "And more people are now forced into poverty which is another form of slavery, as is tax and Council Tax and all the other ways in which we are pinned down and tracked. Our present freedom is restricted to visiting supermarkets and buying sofas. The government act like Chinese emperors… 'We will allow you to live as we do if you behave yourself.'”

Elsewhere, Rayner brought up how people have tried to cancel his uncle because of his views.

“You can’t cancel someone who has always been cancelled," Morrissey proclaimed. "When did you last see me on television, or hear me on the radio? I unintentionally invented the condition of being cancelled!”

Read the full interview HERE.

This article was first published on and is republished here with permission

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