Robert Plant says Willie Nelson gave "away weed to everybody' on tour bus
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 4:11PM

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Robert Plant recently joined Willie Nelson on tour and recalled the experience on his podcast, Digging Deep.
“The most cherished moment of my career was staying up for a couple of days. Not going home, just going to the next place. Finding that I was in transit forever," he reminisced.
“We were invited to play with Willie Nelson a couple of months ago and he was travelling through his tour with his big bus giving away weed to everybody," the Led Zeppelin singer added with awe. “He just gives it away. It’s a truckload from here to the … mirrorball and beyond. Free. With doors to go in, get your little hit and go out the other side.”
Though a wonderful story, it really should come as no surprise coming from the man who hosted his own 4/20 livestream celebration this year and appointed himself as "chief tester" within his own cannabis company, Willie Reserve.
Plant was supposed to head on tour with Saving Grace as his backing band in May, but like so many other artists his plans were squashed when the coronavirus pandemic stunned the world in March, completely shutting down the live music industry.
This article was first published on and is republished here with permission