Tommy Lee Leaves The Stage During Mötley Crüe Reunion Tour
- Publish Date
- Friday, 17 June 2022, 8:40PM

Fans waited 6 years for the reunion show but Tommy Lee only lasted 5 songs before exiting the stage...
Lee said he had broken his ribs and that he wouldn’t be able to continue the concert. In his place, Ozzy Osbourne drummer Tommy Clufetos stepped in to complete the gig.
Lee said before exiting that stage “Okay, anyway, what I’ve got to tell you is about 14 days ago, I f**kin’ broke not one, not two, not three, but four f**kin’ ribs … I wish I had a f**kin’ badass story like me and Connor McGregor f**kin’ scrapping out in some f**kin’ bar or something, but I don’t. The doctors told me, ‘No playing, bro. No playing.’ And I was like, ‘Are you f**king high, bro? We’ve got a f**king tour to do!’ So anyway, I ain’t sitting out for shit. My boy’s gonna help me out here and I’ll see you guys later. On with the goddamn show.”