Solid Energy Says No To Pike River Mine Re-Entry
- Publish Date
- Thursday, 6 November 2014, 10:32AM

Pike River Site - Getty Images
Solid Energy has decided it will not re-entry the Pike River Mine.
It's just told the families in Greymouth that it's too dangerous.
Earlier, there were calls of 'shame' as the Prime Minister arrived in Greymouth for a face to face meeting with Pike River families.
The families were called to the meeting by mine owner Solid Energy to discuss the possibility of re-entering the mine, nearly four years since the explosion which killed 29 men.
Ashen-faced family members entered the meeting armed with pictures of their loved ones with yellow ribbons pinned to their clothes.
Bernie Monk brought with him a box of files ready to argue against the expected claims from Solid Energy that a re-entry operation isn't feasible.
A small group of protestors also gathered outside the meeting, playing music and holding signs demanding re-entry to Pike River.