Doctors reveal the hangover cures that actually work
- Publish Date
- Sunday, 24 December 2017, 9:16AM

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This will be the most important thing you'll read this holiday period.
While everyone swears by their own hangover cure, it can be difficult to know which ones actually work.
Now Dr Dan Robertson, an in-house GP at Manchester-based Push Doctor, an NHS-backed service, has offered his professional advice on the tricks that you can rely on - and those that don't actually have any effect.
According to the Daily Mail, Dr Robertson explained why asparagus is the perfect morning after breakfast - and why fry-ups should be avoided...
Here's what works:
Fuel up
It might be difficult to remember to eat if you're heading out for drinks in the evening but a proper meal can help lessen the effects the following day.
Dr Roberston said: "Despite what you might have heard, eating isn't cheating. Fuelling up before you head out is actually a great idea, as "lining your stomach" will help your body absorb alcohol more slowly."
Skip the fry-up
A full English brekkie might have become the go-to morning after meal but it is not the best choice if you want to feel better.
Dr Roberston explained: "Instead of a fry up, scientists have investigated more effective ways of getting your blood sugar levels back up.
"Poached eggs, asparagus and even Sprite have been suggested as a way of speeding up your recovery."
Hydrate the night before
This is for the night before, rather than the morning after. Have a glass of water between every alcoholic drink to keep your body hydrated and lessen the chance of having an intense headache the following day.
But of course, there's only one sure-fire way to avoid a hangover: drink less.
"No one wants to be the person who takes things too far and spoils it for everyone else, so don't let others dictate the pace of your drinking," Dr Robertson said.
... and what doesn't work:
Hair of the dog
"You might as well call this 'delaying the inevitable,' Dr Robertson said. More alcohol will dull your senses again but the effects of the hangover will still come.
He added: "Drinking as soon as you wake up is also a slippery slope and not a habit you want to get into."
Sweating it out
Many swear a burst of exercise is a good way to get the alcohol out of the system but Dr Robertson warned the damage has already been done.
"While the endorphins released by some gentle exercise could help lift your spirits, if you're dehydrated it's very important to have some water handy and not over-exert yourself."
Coffee might help wake you up in the morning and keep you feeling alert but it can also be bad for your body.
Dr Robertston explained: "Unfortunately, it's also a diuretic, which means it'll make you go to the toilet more and make it harder to rehydrate."
This article was first published on and is reproduced here with permission.