John Cena, Donald Trump, Bruce Lee, Hitler & Schoolie McSchoolface Nominated For New Elementary School Name
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 26 April 2016, 4:28PM

Once again something has been put up for public submission for a new name and the result is pretty much Boaty McBoatface...
An elementary school in Texas is planning to take Robert E. Lee’s name off the building and the public submissions have been a plenty.Â
- Austin Taliban Elementary School
- Ayn Rand Elementary
- Bleeding Heart Liberal Elementary
- Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance (eight nominations)
- Bruce Lee Elementary (three nominations)
- Communist Elementary
- Drew Brees Elementary (three nominations)
- Dwayne Johnson Elementary School
- Flava Flav Elementary
- Forgetting Your Past, Dooms You to Repeat It Elementary
- Generic School Name
- Hypothetical Perfect Person Memorial Elementary School
- James Earl Ray Elementary School
- Jefferson Davis Elementary (three nominations)
- John Cena Elementary School
- Kanye West Elementary (two nominations)
- Kim Il-Sung High School (two nominations)
- Leadership & Excellence in Education (LEE)
- Lee Elementary (thirteen nominations)
- Lil Jon Elementary
- Mack Brown Elementary
- Malcolm X (two nominations)
- Nathan Bedford Forrest Elementary School (two nominations)
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
- O.J. Simpson Elementary
- Pat Tillman Elementary School (four nominations)
- Politically Correct Elementary School #1
- Raul Castro Elementary
- Revisionist Elementary School
- Richard Pryor Elementary (six nominations)
- Rudolf Hess Primary
- School of Progressive and Socialist Studies
- Schoolie McSchoolface
- Schooly McSchoolerson (two nominations)
- Schooly McSchoolerton
- Spike Lee Elementary (four nominations)
- Texas Declaration of Independence
- The Elementary School Formerly Known as Robert E. Lee (two nominations)
- The Illuminati
- The Rubber Duckies
- Traitor
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Elementary School
- Werner von Braun Institute of Science and Technology
- Willie Nelson Elementary (two nominations)