This Reading Test Shows You How It Feels to Be Dyslexic
Can you read this? It says: 'This typography is not designed to recreate what it would be like to read to read if you were dyslexic it is designed to simulate the feeling of reading with dyslexia by slowing the reading time of the viewer down to a speed of which someone who has dyslexia would read'
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25-year-old Daniel Britton has faced battles with reading all his life.
'I was diagnosed when I was young as a partial-dyslexic, but no one understood it,' the 25-year-old told DailyMail.
'I remember when I was eight-years-old, all I got was try harder, read harder, you're lazy, you're stupid, you're thick'.
Now a successful graphic designer, Britton has found a way to convey those feelings of frustration using his own font, dubbed Dyslexia.
Using Helvetica as a base, the Dyslexia font removes around 40 per of the typeface's lines.
The aim is to make the average reader take their time when attempting to decipher the letters in the words and sentences.