Woman Sues KFC Over Her Bucket of Chicken
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 25 October 2016, 2:54PM

NZ Herald
Here's one of the most 'MURICA stories we've seen in a while...
A New York grandmother was left fuming after her $20 bucket of chicken looked a lot different to how it was portrayed in the ad - so she's taking them on for false advertising and filing for $US20m ($28m) in damages.
While the advertisements show chicken flowing out of the bucket, Anna Wurtzburger said her bucket was only half full.
"I came home and said, 'Where's the chicken?' I thought I was going to have a couple of meals," she told The New York Post.
"They say it feeds the whole family ... They're showing a bucket that's overflowing with chicken," the 64-year-old widow griped. "You get half a bucket! That's false advertising, and it doesn't feed the whole family. They're small pieces!"
According to The New York Post Wurtzburger called KFC's headquarters to complain when she was told the chicken was show coming over the rim of the bucket "so that the public could see the chicken."
That only stoked the fire of her anger.
"If you want the public to look at your chicken, put it in a dish," she fumed. "It's a lot of BS. ... I expect to get what you're telling me."
So the 64-year-old grandmother has hired a lawyer and is taking them on. She is demanding they change their advertising and is seeking $US20m in damages.
She has even suggested a new campaign for them; she told the New York Post "You know what commercial they should put on? You remember the movie, 'Oliver'?" she said. "It was about the little boy growing up in the orphanages and he was hungry and he goes to the man, 'Can I have some more?'"
KFC told The New York Post the lawsuit is "meritless."
Via NZ Herald