You May Have Been Going Number Two's Wrong Your Whole Life
- Publish Date
- Friday, 22 May 2015, 3:59PM

A German author has claimed that we've all been going for a number two completely wrong.
Giulia Enders has chosen to study and write a book so that we can change our ways. From her research, it seems it shouldn't all be such a relaxing affair. According to Enders, you should not sit but squat.
Now we know how that guy felt when he discovered he had been doing part of his bathroom ritual wrong all those years.
"1.2 billion people around the world who squat have almost no incidence of diverticulosis and fewer problems with piles. We in the west, on the other hand, squeeze our gut tissue until it comes out of our bottoms." -Â Giulia Enders
An alternative might be to put your feet up on a stool as you go but Enders suggests that we all need to relearn how we conduct our bathroom business.
Speaking to BBC Radio 4, she explained: 'When you sit or stand, there's a muscle that goes around the end of the colon and it pulls, so there's a curve.
'When we're in a squatting position, and have a little stool in front of the toilet, then the angle is even and straight, so there's less pressure needed.'
'Squatting is far more natural and puts less pressure on our bottoms.'
She also shares a few top tips to keep a healthy gut:
- Try the position, 'the rocking squat' to reduce the chances of hemorrhoids or digestive disease.
- You can check the Bristol Stool Scale if you're concerned about what's in the bowl which ranks poo on a seven point scale.
- Don't ignore stomach ache. It happens to tell you something is wrong.
- Food gets into your bloodstream three hours after you've eaten. So if you need to be alert in that time, don't eat anything too heavy.